Monday, March 24, 2008

What about the light?

The two biggest problems I have in my student productions are audio and lighting.  I am sure Bradley has many experiences with poor design or technical problems in production.  The only advantage I see theater has over video is that theater provides quicker feedback when something goes wrong (maybe).  All year I fight with students over the phrase "I can fix it in post".  Theater has no "post-production" to mask mistakes.  Video students fall back on this phrase like an old crutch.  When students put their work on display at the Utah High School Film Festival it can be very obvious who planned the production and who tried to "fix it in post".  I found this article about planning and lighting in the magazine called LIVE DESIGN.  I like this magazine because it is all about technology, real problems in production, and solutions to those problems.  This article at the end of January 2008 talks about the challenge of lighting the castle in Disneyland for the holidays.  The location prevented any experimenting, they needed to know what they were going to do and then do it.  The results are amazing, I wish I could have seen it.  The colors changed with the natural light and mood of the park.  The planning resulted in a finished product.  I want my students to think this way.  

Click Here To Read Article

1 comment:

Bradley Moss said...

It is interesting that you make the theatre connection. It is true that they can play and see immediately the results. Sometimes that biggest challenge is replicating something they discovered earlier. If only they had captured that moment on video...